Padmanabhaswamy temple door : Myths and facts

scientific shop
7 min readJun 21, 2021


This universe is full of mysteries and wonders . And if it is so , then how can India stay backward in this . So now you can guess that today we will discuss about a Indian mystery ,. This mystery is about Padmanabhaswamy temple door , that is situated in Kerala state of India . So basically this all starts with the construction of the temple in 6th Ad . After the construction of the temple , people used to visit the temple usually . But with the time , people also started exploring the temple after worship and this introduced the world with the greatest mystery . They saw that there were 6 chambers with the safety of a metal door . These chambers were very large and seemed mysterious . So the people started guessing the mystery of these chambers . And most of the people guessed that there is a treasure inside these chambers and this made them more curious . So after the permission of the supreme court of India these doors were opened and the mystery came in front of the world . But what was that mystery , what was inside the Chambers .

Padmanabhaswamy temple door

So today we are gonna answer you all your questions and clear all the doubts . So first of all we will discuss about the history of the Padmanabhaswamy temple , after going through the different qualities of all the chambers and Padmanabhaswamy temple door and the material found inside them , we will end this knowledgeful article . So why are we waiting for and let’s started with today’s topic : Padmanabhaswamy temple door . So let’s start :

1. Padmanabhaswamy temple : the history

As you know that this temple is full of weird mysteries and wonders and we are gonna discuss about them . But before knowing a complete information about anything , we must have to know about it’s history . So we are first talking about the history of the temple .

ⅰ) The construction

Basically this Padmanabhaswamy temple door and itself were made in the 6th century . This show that this is an ancient temple that was made a long ago . According to the most of theorists and history books , this was made by the kings of Travancore and this is also described in the holy books of 9th century . Besides , The Marthanda Varma himself told him as a servant of god in 1750 . So basically this temple was made for lord Vishnu .

All Travancore family members dedicated their life to serve lord Vishnu . Till 1947 , The kings of Travancore used to rule and manage this temple and in present , it is being managed and ruled by the royal family descendants through their private fund .

Padmanabhaswamy temple door

ⅱ ) The purpose to make temple

So according to the most of theories , Marthanda Varma remade the temple in 1750 . According to the most of the theories , the Ancestors of Travancore once found a statue of lord Vishnu in a sleeping position . This position of lord Vishnu was called Padmanabh and because of this , the temple got the name of Padmanabhaswamy temple and also this caused the Padmanabhaswamy temple door . Since than , the ancestors of Travancore are managing and ruing the temple . But recently , The supreme court of India gave a decision to end the rule of Travancore descendants on the temple but again , on 13 July 2020 , the state court of Kerala changed the decision and again gave the rule in the hands of Travancore . Basically this temple comes in the Thiruvananthapuram district of the Kerala state .

Now we will talk about the Padmanabhaswamy temple door . So keep reading with us -

2. The mystery

So as you may know that this is a very famous and rich temple . This is the most famous Hindu temple in Kerala . There are also some various arts and drawings on the walls and doors of the temple . There is also an wonderful and mind blowing architecture in the temple .

But these are not the things and facts that make this temple famous and special , the reason of it’s popularity is something different . Actually , the locals used to consider that there is a treasure of crores rupees under this temple and even some of them also recommended to break and destroy the temple for that but some priests and local religious people disagreed to do so by saying that it may cause an disaster or holocaust . So this is the main mystery of Padmanabhaswamy temple door . Now we’ll discuss about these mysterious doors and chambers .

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Padmanabhaswamy temple door

3. Chambers inside the temple

So as you have read in intro of the article that there were 6 chambers in the temple . These chambers were here from hundreds of years but nobody had tried to open them . But in 1908 , People tried to open these doors but they could not open anyone of them because of a reason : that I tell you in next point . And after 23 years , in 1931 , Again people tried to open these doors and they successfully opened the first chamber and they found a lots of gold but the mystery is that why did they not open the other chambers . And finally , in 2011 , supreme court of India also gave permission to open the chambers and this time , they successfully opened 5 chambers and they found a great treasure in these . But the mystery is still here that why did they left the 6th one . So now we are going to discuss in detail about the Padmanabhaswamy temple door .

Padmanabhaswamy temple door

4. The very first Attempt

So as I already told you that 3 attempts have been done to open the chambers of the temple . SO now we will discuss about the very first attempt and the disaster that happened during this .

Basically , people were being sure with the time that there is definitely a treasure in these chambers . On this , they decided to open these chambers in 1908 . SO when they tried to do so , suddenly they were attacked by a group of Cobra snakes and they had to cancel the plan .

Padmanabhaswamy temple door

Nobody knows that where did they Cobra snakes come from but anyway , they stopped the people to open the chamber .

After this failure , People did not tried to open the doors again and the reason was some superstitions and the fear of god . Thus the first attempt to open the chambers and Padmanabhaswamy temple door got unsuccessful badly .

Now let’s talk about the second attempt -

5. The second attempt

Basically , this was almost same with first one . As I already told you that there were three attempts to open Padmanabhaswamy temple door . This was the second one . After 23 years of the first one , in 1931 , people gathered again and decided to open the door . And this time , there were no group of Cobra snakes or any other type of trouble .

But still , they opened only one door and they found the gold of crores rupees in it . Thus the estimate of having a treasure inside the chamber proved right . But did you noticed they I am talking about only one chamber , not others . This is so because it was really happened that they did not open any other door except the first . This is still a mystery that why did they do so ? Did they faced any other kind of trouble ? nobody can answer these questions .

But some theorists say that the people who opened the door were shocked by the amount of gold in the chamber and they feel satisfied with this and did not even tried to open the others .

While some theorists say that the priests and devotees refused them to do so . Because the things found inside were considered divine and holy . So these should not come in the touch of a human : this thing made them stop to open the others . And because of this , they also closed the first opened chamber . But nobody can say that what exactly happened that day . Anyway , let’s talk about the third attempt .

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6. The third attempt

This one was the last and most successful attempt to open Padmanabhaswamy temple door . Besides , this was also a official attempt .

After 80 years of the second attempt , In 2011 , The supreme court of India ordered some officers to open all the chambers of Padmanabhaswamy temple .

When they reached the temple , they did not faced any kind of trouble and finally , as everybody expected : they successfully opened the 5 out of 6 chambers . But still they were unable to open the last chamber named by

‘Vault — B’ . We will talk in the next point about this . First , talk about what they found in those 5 chambers .

Padmanabhaswamy temple door

So when they opened the 5 Padmanabhaswamy temple door or chambers , they were wondered after watching the view . They saw that there were thousands of golden coins in some boxes , there were some ancient statues inside the chambers . This all was very worthy and it’s price was in trillions . After all the calculations : this all treasure declared of 2 lakh crores rupees . And this shocked all the Indians . But what about the last Padmanabhaswamy temple door , why did they not open it ? So I will answer your this question in the next topic . So let’s discuss

7. The last Padmanabhaswamy temple door




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